Analysis of Contexts and Practices – FP and Tec Areas.General and scientific

2nd year

Semi-75114189 7.00




  • Identify professional performance contexts and their articulations;
  • Develop observation skills in context, considering different systems and formats of observation;
  • Be able to draw an observational plan, articulating intentions, observation formats, recording and analysis of the collected data;
  • Know how to analyze, interpret and problematize the data from observational processes, in the sense of understanding contexts and practices, and planning of intentional actions;
  • Use the observation and analysis of contexts and practices in the design, development and evaluation of resources and educational projects using technology.


Programmatic content:


  • Tripartite vision of education: contexts of formal, non-formal and informal education;
  • Structural and dynamic dimensions of socio-educational contexts and practices;
  • Observation in socio-educational contexts: role/position of the observer; observation systems and observation formats;
  • Design of plans for observation of contexts and socio-educational practices;
  • The cycle of intentionality in the performance in socio-educational contexts: observation, registration, action and evaluation;
  • Analysis of emerging themes of action in socio-educational contexts and problematization of the use of educational resources for the benefit of learning processes.


Recommended bibliography and didactic recursions:


  • Boss, S. & Larmer, J. (2018). Project based teaching: how to create rigorous and engaging learning experiences. Newto: Buck Institute for Education.
  • Cibulka, J. G. & Cooper, B. S. (Eds.) (2017). Technology in school classrooms: how it can transform teaching and student learning today. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • From Ketele, J-M., Roegiers, X. (1998). Methodology of data collection: Fundamentals of the methods of observations, questionnaires, interviews and study of documents. Lisbon: Piaget Editions.
  • Gonçalves, F. (2006). Self-Observation and Analysis of the Educational Relationship. Justification and Practice. Porto: Porto Editora.
  • Relative, C. (2002). Note: a course of formation, practice and reflection. In J. Oliveira-Formosinho (Org.), Supervision in Teacher Training I: From Classroom to School (pp. 166-216). Porto: Porto Editora.
  • Trilla, J. (1996). La educación fuera de la escuela. Ámbitos no formales y educación social. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel.
  • Trindade, V. (2007). Training practices. Methods and techniques of observation, guidance and evaluation (under supervision). Lisbon: Open University.
