Tetra Pak Contest – Yellow Ecodot

Within the scope of the Curricular Unit of Manufacturing Laboratories II (LFII), a project was developed for the competition organized by Tetra Pak, the same consisted of each group making an ecopoint with packages of the Compal brand in which its symbol and tetra pak's were visible. The contest gave each participant the freedom to choose the type of materials they would use, with the only condition that they would have to be recyclable materials. The ecopoint had to be mostly yellow in color and at least 40 cm high.

Materials required:

  • Compal packages;
  • Card;
  • Glue Tape;
  • Hot glue;
  • Paints;
  • Yellow felt;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Cotton;
  • Pencil, pen and eraser;
  • Wire;

The process:

  • – Initially the project was planned as a group, so that it was decided how it would be built;
  • – Several packages of the Compal brand were joined to each other with the help of glue tape, leaving the bases with semicircle shape;
  • – For the ecopoint to become more resistant, plates were glued inside and then we closed the bases with cardboard;
  • – The arms were built with Compal packages by snaking them and placing them on each other until they are the desired shape. To make the hands was used yellow felt to draw the desired shape, then cotton was placed to fill the hands and sewed.
  • – Finally, spongebob's face was drawn in a yellow-painted cardboard box with a mouth-shaped trash opening, which was later glued to the rest of the ecopoint, to the "body". A sign with the following message has been added: "After you drink your Compal, recycle it here, your planet needs you!".

*To remove the trash from inside the ecopoint, simply remove the "head" from spongebob.


SpongeBob Construction

SpongeBob Construction

SpongeBob Construction